8 sonuçtan 1 ile 8 arası

Konu: Replication tamamlanmıyor

  1. #1

    Standart Replication tamamlanmıyor

    Current Direct Replication Partner Status

    Directory Partition: DC=hospital,DC=local

    Partner Name: Varsayilan-Ilk-Site-Adi\FILESERVER
    Partner GUID: 642445BB-3003-4681-9A1C-798A1E2185E1
    Last Attempted Replication: 11/7/2007 2:42:34 PM (local)
    Last Successful Replication: 9/10/2007 10:39:40 AM (local)
    Number of Failures: 15187
    Failure Reason Error Code: 8606
    Failure Description: Nesne oluşturmak için yeterli öznitelik verilmedi. Bu nesne silinmiş ve zaten atık olarak toplanmış olduğu için var olmayabilir.

    Synchronization Flags: DRS_WRIT_REP,DRS_INIT_SYNC,DRS_PER_SYNC
    USN of Last Property Updated: 749651
    USN of Last Object Updated: 749651
    Transport: Intra-Site RPC

    Change Notifications for this Directory Partition
    Server Name: Varsayilan-Ilk-Site-Adi\FILESERVER
    Object GUID: E482361E-E4F9-4DE6-BA78-094FF76EEDA8
    Time Added: 07.11.2007 14:11:45
    Flags: DRS_WRIT_REP
    Transport: RPC

    Directory Partition: CN=Configuration,DC=hospital,DC=local

    Partner Name: Varsayilan-Ilk-Site-Adi\FILESERVER
    Partner GUID: 642445BB-3003-4681-9A1C-798A1E2185E1
    Last Attempted Replication: 11/7/2007 2:42:34 PM (local)
    Last Successful Replication: 11/7/2007 2:42:34 PM (local)
    Number of Failures: 0
    Failure Reason Error Code: 0
    Failure Description: The operation completed successfully.
    Synchronization Flags: DRS_WRIT_REP,DRS_INIT_SYNC,DRS_PER_SYNC
    USN of Last Property Updated: 935732
    USN of Last Object Updated: 935732
    Transport: Intra-Site RPC

    loglarda ise şöyle bir uyarı var
    fileserver kaynak sunucu çoğaltma işlemini reddediyor
    exchangeserver hedef sunucu çoğaltma işlemini reddediyor

    ayrıca replmon konsolunda DC=hospital,DC=local üzerinde çarpı işareti var

    DC=hospital,DC=local (x)

    aynı şekilde file server üzerinde

    DC=hospital,DC=local (x)
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    to get help when you need it

  2. #2

    Standart Ynt: Replication tamamlanmıyor


    Fileserver.Hospital.local diye bir sunucunuz yoksa, schema dan da temizlemeniz gerekmektedir. Durumu detaylica incelemekte fayda var gibi gorunuyor.

    Kolay gelsin,

    Emre AYDIN
    Emre Aydın
    MVP | Office 365 | Since 2006
    MCT | Since 2005
    MCSD | Azure Solutions Architect
    MCSE | Private Cloud, Messaging, Communication, Server Infrastructure, Productivity, Platform
    MCSA | Office 365, Server 2012, Cloud Platform
    MCTS | Developing Azure Solutions, Implementing Azure Infrastructure, Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, SAM
    Intelligent Cloud | EMS
    Web : www.mshowto.org
    Mail : emre.aydin [@] mshowto.org
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/emreaydn
    Linkedin : tr.linkedin.com/in/emreaydn

  3. #3

    Standart Ynt: Replication tamamlanmıyor

    hospital.local etki alanı var ve adc olan fileserver ile replicasyonda bu hata mesajını alıyoruz
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  4. #4

    Standart Ynt: Replication tamamlanmıyor

    DC=hospital,DC=local (x) hata aldığımız konum sadece burası

    Directory Partition: DC=hospital,DC=local

    Partner Name: Varsayilan-Ilk-Site-Adi\FILESERVER
    Partner GUID: 642445BB-3003-4681-9A1C-798A1E2185E1
    Last Attempted Replication: 11/7/2007 2:42:34 PM (local)
    Last Successful Replication: 9/10/2007 10:39:40 AM (local)
    Number of Failures: 15187
    Failure Reason Error Code: 8606
    Failure Description: Nesne oluşturmak için yeterli öznitelik verilmedi. Bu nesne silinmiş ve zaten atık olarak toplanmış olduğu için var olmayabilir.
    Synchronization Flags: DRS_WRIT_REP,DRS_INIT_SYNC,DRS_PER_SYNC
    USN of Last Property Updated: 749651
    USN of Last Object Updated: 749651
    Transport: Intra-Site RPC
    Remote assistance
    to get help when you need it

  5. #5

    Standart Ynt: Replication tamamlanmıyor

    Tool for Removing Lingering Objects
    On domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2003 with SP1, use Repadmin.exe (in Windows Support Tools) to remove the lingering object or objects. Windows Support Tools are available on the operating system CD in the Support\Tools folder. The version of Repadmin that ships with Windows Server 2003 provides the option /removelingeringobjects, which safely removes instances of lingering objects from both writable directory partitions and read-only directory partitions.

    The repadmin /removelingeringobjects command does the following:

    Compares the directory database objects on a reference domain controller with the objects on the target domain controller, which contains (or is suspected to contain) lingering objects.

    Either removes the lingering objects or logs the potential deletions to the Directory Service event log, as follows:

    • If you use the /advisory_mode parameter, events are logged in the Directory Service event log for the objects that are found.

    • If you do not use the /advisory_mode parameter, the found objects are deleted without replicating the deletions; that is, the deletions occur only on the

    bu komutu dc üzerinde koştursam ne kadar başarılı olur

    Not: Dc üzerine bir ay öncesinin imajı ile restore işlemi yapıldıktan sonra replication da hatalar meydana geldi

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  6. #6

    Standart Ynt: Replication tamamlanmıyor

    Remote assistance
    to get help when you need it

  7. #7

    Standart Ynt: Replication tamamlanmıyor


    1 Ay önceki imajı geri donmek asla onerilmeyen bir durum, Bu noktada netdom.exe ile computer accountlarini resetleme yoluna gidebilirsiniz fakat buyuk ihtimalle cozum olmayacaktir. İkinci adimda ise yapinizda varolan diger server sistemleri dcprono /forceremoval ile indirgeyip sonrasinda tekrar DC olarak yapilandirmaniz olabilir. Exchange calisan bir yapi icerisinde iseniz mail alis verisinizde sıkıntılar yasaniyor olabilir. Bu noktada ise exchange i repair edebilirsiniz. Client sitemler icin ise yine netdom.exe cozum olabilir yada domain den cikartip tekrar eklemek zaten cozum olacaktir.

    Kolay gelsin,

    Emre AYDIN
    Emre Aydın
    MVP | Office 365 | Since 2006
    MCT | Since 2005
    MCSD | Azure Solutions Architect
    MCSE | Private Cloud, Messaging, Communication, Server Infrastructure, Productivity, Platform
    MCSA | Office 365, Server 2012, Cloud Platform
    MCTS | Developing Azure Solutions, Implementing Azure Infrastructure, Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions, SAM
    Intelligent Cloud | EMS
    Web : www.mshowto.org
    Mail : emre.aydin [@] mshowto.org
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/emreaydn
    Linkedin : tr.linkedin.com/in/emreaydn

  8. #8

    Standart Ynt: Replication tamamlanmıyor

    I have just recovered from this...ended up demoting one server and
    repromoting it [not sure if that was necessary really].

    Anyway I added the DWORD Allow Replication With Divergent and Corrupt
    Partner key in HKLM\System\CCS\Services\NTDS\Parameters with a value of


    Set the HKLM\System\CCS\Services\NTDS\Parameters\Strict Replication
    Consistency to 0

    I am sure there are better ways of doing this, but my AD is now working
    almost perfectly...

    bu registry anahtrlarıyla replication sorunu yaşıyan 2 kişi çözüme ulaşmış test ortamında sistem de anormal birşey yaşamadım bugün server üzerinde anahtarları girdikten sonra sonucu sizlere bildirecem
    Remote assistance
    to get help when you need it

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