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Konu: Windows 2003 den 2008 Active Directory Migration

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  1. #1

    Standart Windows 2003 den 2008 Active Directory Migration


    windows 2003 sunucudan yeni 2008 sunucuya migration işlemlerde herhangi bir hata ile karşılaşmadım, 2 gün replike için bekledim 2 gün sonunda eski sunucuyu sistem de çıkardım yeni sunucu ile devam edeyim diye ama yeni sunucuda DNS,AD bir türlü aktif olmadı tekrar eski sunucuyu sisteme dahil edince yeni sunucudaki DNS ve AD aktif oluyor
    + yeni sunucuda SYSVOL ve NETLOGON paylaşım klasörleri oluşmamış
    How to rebuild SYSVOL and NETLOGON share Step By Step
    yukardaki linke göre işlemler yapıyorum fakat sadece SYSVOL oluşuyor netlogon klasörü oluşmuyor

  2. #2


    Merhaba Atanurbarut,

    bu konu hakkında daha önce sitemizde yayınlanan bir makale mevcut. Bu adımlar doğrultusunda yapılandırmayı yaparmısınız

    Windows Server 2003

    Aynı zamanda bu linki de incelemenizde fayda var
    Konu Erkan SAGLIK tarafından (07-07-2014 Saat 08:32 AM ) değiştirilmiştir. , Türkiye'nin En İyi Bilişim Portalı

  3. #3


    Verdiğiniz linkteki tüm işlemleri yaptım

  4. #4


    Aşağıdaki çözüm önerisine bakmışmıydınız?

  5. #5


    linkteki işlemi yaptım ama sorun aynen devam diyor

  6. #6



    Eski sunucuyu sistem dışı bıraktıktan sonra yeni sunucu Event hataları

    + Eski sunucu kapandıktan sonra yeni sunucuda 5 dk sonra DNS ve AD aktif oluyor

    Active Directory


    Active Directory Domain Services could not resolve the following DNS host name of the source domain controller to an IP address. This error prevents additions, deletions and changes in Active Directory Domain Services from replicating between one or more domain controllers in the forest. Security groups, group policy, users and computers and their passwords will be inconsistent between domain controllers until this error is resolved, potentially affecting logon authentication and access to network resources.

    Source domain controller:
    Failing DNS host name:

    NOTE: By default, only up to 10 DNS failures are shown for any given 12 hour period, even if more than 10 failures occur. To log all individual failure events, set the following diagnostics registry value to 1:

    Registry Path:
    HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\NTDS\Diagno stics\22 DS RPC Client

    User Action:

    1) If the source domain controller is no longer functioning or its operating system has been reinstalled with a different computer name or NTDSDSA object GUID, remove the source domain controller's metadata with ntdsutil.exe, using the steps outlined in MSKB article 216498.

    2) Confirm that the source domain controller is running Active Directory Domain Services and is accessible on the network by typing "net view \\<source DC name>" or "ping <source DC name>".

    3) Verify that the source domain controller is using a valid DNS server for DNS services, and that the source domain controller's host record and CNAME record are correctly registered, using the DNS Enhanced version of DCDIAG.EXE available on Domain Name System (DNS) on Microsoft TechNet

    dcdiag /test:dns

    4) Verify that this destination domain controller is using a valid DNS server for DNS services, by running the DNS Enhanced version of DCDIAG.EXE command on the console of the destination domain controller, as follows:

    dcdiag /test:dns

    5) For further analysis of DNS error failures see KB 824449:
    Troubleshooting Active Directory replication failures that occur because of DNS lookup failures, event ID 2087, or event ID 2088

    Additional Data
    Error value:
    11004 The requested name is valid, but no data of the requested type was found.


    This server is the owner of the following FSMO role, but does not consider it valid. For the partition which contains the FSMO, this server has not replicated successfully with any of its partners since this server has been restarted. Replication errors are preventing validation of this role.

    Operations which require contacting a FSMO operation master will fail until this condition is corrected.

    FSMO Role: DC=cozum,DC=tr

    User Action:

    1. Initial synchronization is the first early replications done by a system as it is starting. A failure to initially synchronize may explain why a FSMO role cannot be validated. This process is explained in KB article 305476.
    2. This server has one or more replication partners, and replication is failing for all of these partners. Use the command repadmin /showrepl to display the replication errors. Correct the error in question. For example there maybe problems with IP connectivity, DNS name resolution, or security authentication that are preventing successful replication.
    3. In the rare event that all replication partners being down is an expected occurance, perhaps because of maintenance or a disaster recovery, you can force the role to be validated. This can be done by using NTDSUTIL.EXE to seize the role to the same server. This may be done using the steps provided in KB articles 255504 and 324801 on Microsoft Support.

    The following operations may be impacted:
    Schema: You will no longer be able to modify the schema for this forest.
    Domain Naming: You will no longer be able to add or remove domains from this forest.
    PDC: You will no longer be able to perform primary domain controller operations, such as Group Policy updates and password resets for non-Active Directory Domain Services accounts.
    RID: You will not be able to allocation new security identifiers for new user accounts, computer accounts or security groups.
    Infrastructure: Cross-domain name references, such as universal group memberships, will not be updated properly if their target object is moved or renamed.



    The DNS server is waiting for Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to signal that the initial synchronization of the directory has been completed.
    The DNS server service cannot start until the initial synchronization is complete because critical DNS data might not yet be replicated onto this domain controller.
    If events in the AD DS event log indicate that there is a problem with DNS name resolution, consider adding the IP address of another
    DNS server for this domain to the DNS server list in the Internet Protocol properties of this computer.
    This event will be logged every two minutes until AD DS has signaled that the initial synchronization has successfully completed.

    ------------------file replication service

    Following is the summary of warnings and errors encountered by File Replication Service while polling the Domain Controller for FRS replica set configuration information.

    Could not bind to a Domain Controller. Will try again at next polling cycle.

  7. #7


    Yeni bir makine kurma şansınız varsa aşağıdaki işlemleri yaparsanız sorunsuz bir şekilde geçişi sağlamış olursunuz.

    How to migrate Windows 2003 Active Directory to Windows 2008 Active Directory—–Step by Step guide | Blog by Raihan Al-Beruni , Türkiye'nin En İyi Bilişim Portalı

  8. #8


    Her iki sunucu arasında herhangi bir port kısıtlaması yok değil mi?
    Ve sunucular birbirleri ile iletişime geçebiliyorlar mı? , Türkiye'nin En İyi Bilişim Portalı

  9. #9



    herhangi bir kısıtlama ve iletişim sıkıntısı yok
    migration işlemi sağlıklı yapıldı herhangi bir hata ile karşılaşmadım yeni sunucu adc kurulumunda sadece ipv6 ile ilgili bir sıkıntı çıktı onuda disable ettim onun dışında bir problemle karşılaşmadım

    transfer işlemlerini komut la tekrar yapsam bir sıkıntı olurmu
    + sorun çözülmezse yeni sunucudan dc kaldırıp tekrar bir geçiş işlemi yapsam ne kadar sağlıklı olur
    + yeni sunucudan dc kaldırmadan dc transferleri tekrar eski sunucuya aktarabilirmiyim ve nasıl yapmamı önerirsiniz

  10. #10


    Atanur Active Directory servisi biraz nazlıdır, bu sebepten dolayı yeniden kurmanı tavsiye ettim. Yeni sunucudan Directory servisini kaldırsan bile makinenin kayıt defterinde (Regedit) bazı bilgiler kalacağı için genelde tavsiye etmiyoruz.
    Dc trasferinden kastın sanırım Active Directory Rollerinden bahsediyorsun (PDC Emulator, Schema Master, Domian Naming vb.) şayet bunlardan bahsediyorsan sorun olmaz. Bu rolleri iki şekilde eski sunucuya alabilirsin. birincisi transfer yoluyla ikincisi Seize yoluyla. , Türkiye'nin En İyi Bilişim Portalı

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